Media outlets starting with Q
QQ Syndicate
Q Syndicate offers content and community to the gay and lesbian press. Features include travel, entertainment, sports, editorial cartoons, puzzles, movies and more.
QQ the Stylist Blog
Covers fashion and beauty. Offers news on the latest trends, trade show information, beauty and styling tips and other related topics. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s), Cision tracks their contact preferences there as well. The outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
QQ Voice News
Q Voice News highlights LGBQT news in the Long Beach, greater Los Angeles areas, and beyond. The fundamentals of working with bloggers are the same as with traditional journalists at traditional media outlets: respect their schedules; take time to read their material to learn their interests; and only contact them if/when they want to be contacted. You will also find that if a blogger is a journalist for another outlet(s), Cision tracks their contact preferences there as well. This outlet offers RSS (Really Simple Syndication).
Q Word Search
Background and Format: Word Search is published by Puzzler Media Ltd monthly and is aimed at readers who enjoy word searching puzzles. Covers celebrity names from film, television, comedy and music, mystery person to identify, secret messages, short stories, poems and novelty puzzles as well as arroword, codeword, crossword, kriss kross, Spot the Difference and Sudoku. For more information about advertising rates, the team can be reached on +44 (0)1737 378 700 and at Circulation: The publisher does not disclose the number.
The podcast is about worlds of politics and culture, talking about the most important issues of the day, and some pleasant trivialities as well.
Q101 is an online only radio platform featuring alternative rock music. The format and the Q101 brand originally broadcast over the airwaves on 101.1 FM in Chicago, but went to an online-only format in July 2011. It broadcasts worldwide via and the free Q101 mobile apps available on iTunes and the Android Marketplace.
Q13 Fox News at 10 Saturday - KCPQ-TV
Q13 Fox News at 10 Saturday - KCPQ-TV covers News.
QQ13 Fox News at 10 Sunday - KCPQ-TV
Q13 Fox News at 10 Sunday - KCPQ-TV covers News
Q13 FOX News at 11 - KCPQ-TV
Q13 FOX News at 11 - KCPQ-TV covers News and Entertainment.